Sunday, 8 July 2007

What a beautiful day :)

That was a beautiful day! First we went to the New Agora symposium and listened to an interesting discussion, then we've heard and seen Bourderland Fundation's plans of creating International Dialogue Center in Krasnogruda - I hope they'll succeed!

In the evening we went to the Brave Festival. The aim of this year's edition is to show "drowned songs," the traditional music and art of cultures at the edge of marginalisation and "drowning" in the so called progress. The profit from the festival will be used for projects, which support traditional cultures, for example for education of Tibetan orphans (let's hope it will be in the spirit of pedagogy of place).

The festival's programme is so impresive, that it'll be a pity to leave Wrocław... We were lucky to take part in athe concert of Alim Qasimov and Fargana Movlamova, mougam singers from Azerbaijan - really extraordinary! Today we're going there again - I can't wait!!!

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